
DBC Phase 2 - Day 3 Reflection Notes



Normally I just jam out some bullets here to force me to vaguely remember what information was thrown at me throughout the day. However, today was so dense that many of the bullets deserve a further exploration in their own post at some point in the future. That warrants at least some organisation of the bullets for the time being:

Macbook Pimping

General Coding

Syntax/Language Specific Tidbits


I was sidetracked a wee bit today, hopping down various rabbit holes to get my macbook running smoothly (Postgresql is pain), but also running smoothly with cherries on top. I’m hoping that it’s going to pay off quickly as it means that I’m now extremely comfortable completing challenges on my own machine. That brings the advantages of better mobility, understanding of my tools, and it means that my endless googlings are all being tracked in one browser. I can contribute to the same bank of bookmarks, execute all the numerous shortcuts via the plugins and addons I’ve already been using for months, and generally feel like I’m owning the experience more.

How about some actual feels then, eh? Well, I feel super stoked that once again the day has raced by me because I’ve been way too busy engaging and learning and enjoying myself to both checking the fancyschmancy watch on my wrist (or my phone!). I feel a bit daunted about the large amount of work that I have to catch up on from today. That’s kind of a good feeling though, and I don’t think I’m alone in my behindness even if other people are feeling behind for different reasons. That’s comforting.

Yoga today was really pleasant - it really feels great to be so present in a more physical yet calm way for a chunk of the day.